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Sherman County fire protection services are provided by the Sherman County Rural Fire Department.  The department is supported by approximately 45 volunteer firefighters between three fire stations that respond to fires and other emergencies within the county.  The stations are located in Kanorado, Goodland, and Brewster.

The County is divided into three regions with each region being primarily served by one of the three stations.  The three regions are shown in the map below.  Although each region has a primary station that dispatch will contact first in the event of a fire or emergency, other stations may also be contacted to assist or provide mutual aid if the fire/emergency requires it.

Sherman County KS Fire Protection Map

The City of Goodland Fire Department was established in 1890 and currently has twenty volunteer firemen, and one full time Fire Chief. The Fire Chief is responsible for: Pre-Plans, Testing Fire Hydrants, Fire Inspections, Training for the Firemen, Testing Fire Hose, Basic Maintenance on Fire Equipment, Filling out the Fire Reports, Giving out Burn Permits, and Fire Code Enforcement.

The Goodland Fire Department responds to fires, motor vehicle accidents, as well as other emergency situations within the city limits of Goodland. The image below shows the city limits of Goodland.


ISO Public Protection Classification: 3/3Y

Kansas Task Force 7 is one of seven Urban Search and Rescue Teams located within the State of Kansas. Its host agency is Sherman County Rural Fire Department.

The mission of Kansas Task Force 7 is to safely and effectively mitigate emergency situations requiring rescue / removal of victims from above and below grade, confined spaces and building collapses. This Team addresses the need for specialized skills and equipment necessary to confront the unique challenges presented by these types of rescues / recoveries.

Kansas Task Force 7 is a regionally deployable team, if requested by KDEM we can and will respond to any of the 18 Counties in the Northwest Region.

Goodland city limits
KS Regions fo Tasks Forces
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